Thursday, February 22, 2007

SETI Finally Finds Something

This is the news title I saw a few minutes ago and I was delighted about it. I installed SETI's software a long time ago to help finding extraterrestrial intelligence, a.k.a., aliens. Wikipedia has a page about SETI.

SETI@Home is the project to use computation power from Internet users that are willing to donate their available CPU cycles to help searching for patterns in signals captured from outer space. SETI@Home has found something useful: one of the volunteers found his wife's stolen laptop using IP address reported by the SETI@Home client installed on it. After getting back the laptop, his wife said that she always knew a geek would make a good husband.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Taiwan De-han movement.


去中國化運動其實正確的名稱, 應是脫漢運動.

我個人對這個運動沒有什麼特定立場 (neutral), 這裡要講的是可以搞笑的東西, 基本上這個運動中對很多單位, 設施進行改名, 將中國, 中華, 中山等字樣改成台灣.


中華航空 -> 台灣航空
中華郵政 -> 台灣郵政
..... 等等, 族繁不及備載~~

重點來了, 有些地方應該要改名的沒改到:

中山北路 -> 台山北路
中山路 -> 台山路
中華大學 -> 台灣大學
中台禪寺 -> 台台禪寺

Got an idea??

Monday, February 12, 2007

wii are here

I bought one wii today. The salesman shipped it to my company before I leave office, after I called him at 2:00pm. So I came home and installed it. I think it is not a real problem to install it. The only issue to me is it's a Japanese based machine. And I need to try-n-err on operation modes.

Two of my colleagues came and tried it out. We concluded that many others did. We like the tennis game most. Bowling the 2nd. Hopefully we will see more interesting games. I personally believe wii will bring Nintendo back to #1. This is definitely true for sports/shooting/fighting games. For real-time strategy or RPG games, I wish they can find a new play mode, too.

I am happy that I bought this machine. Wish the sport games can help shake me up a little bit, too. Losing some pounds can be a benefit besides nice mood. Maybe for you, too.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

A Better World (a wish I hope will happen in Taiwan, someday)

As we consider this country a democratic one. How mature it is has been a doubt on my mind for a long time. Can outcome of democracy procedure reflect the real needs? Can the politicians stand out for every one (or most) living on this island? Can we trust what we see?

There were politicians won campaigns in ridiculous ways and there will be. Believe or not, it has been the way for a long time. And there is no foreseeable future I believe this situation will vanish some day. This is why I do not vote. Honestly I voted a presidential campaign once to a candidate I think he is a very kind person with good manner. And I think he could have a problem passing the lower vote count limit. I never voted with this as the only exception.

Transparency. The opacity of performance of politicians is not far from good enough. The campaign is more like a battle of marketing: the point is not your product, but how you sell it. So it is not uncommon that good candidates are ruled out simply because they do not know have enough money marketing themselves.

What I want is a website to completely document every politician. What they have promised in which campaign and what they did in the end. Everyone can criticize and score politicians. A big public project done can be linked to every politician involved, and contribution can be the dividend and distributed to each one.

In this way, when the political spectrum is built against every politician. I believe more people will care bout which politician is more suitable for a certain position than that his political tendency. And maybe, a better world.