Thursday, December 31, 2009

Widgets over SDL

To support widgets over SDL, I found the SDL-Widgets library seems nice, at least based on the sample applications it provided.

Later on, I found its dependency on SDL_gfx and SDL_ttf. I will start to work on SDL_gfx tomorrow.

Now it's time to chess with Mr. Chou.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

CodeBlocks Can Not Find SDL Library

I am using CodeBlocks 8.02 on Winodws XP. When I try to create a new project using SDL template, I met the problem that it can not recognize the SDL's installation path (unpacked only) properly. It seems there is a mismatch between SDL versions and Codeblocks versions. Luckily someone already solved this:

On the "New Project" page, right-click your mouse on SDL template, choose "Edit this script", then you can find the following code for patch.

Index: src/plugins/scriptedwizard/resources/sdl/wizard.script
--- src/plugins/scriptedwizard/resources/sdl/wizard.script (revision 5680)
+++ src/plugins/scriptedwizard/resources/sdl/wizard.script (working copy)
@@ -47,8 +47,15 @@
local dir_nomacro_inc = GetCompilerIncludeDir(dir, SDLPathDefault, SDLPathDefaultInc);
if (dir_nomacro_inc.IsEmpty())
return false;
- if (!VerifyFile(dir_nomacro_inc, _T("SDL.h"), _T("SDL's include")))
- return false;
+ if (!IO.FileExists(dir_nomacro_inc + wxFILE_SEP_PATH + _T("SDL.h")))
+ {
+ if (VerifyFile(dir_nomacro_inc, _T("SDL/SDL.h"), _T("SDL's include")))
+ SDLPathDefaultInc = SDLPathDefaultInc + _T("/SDL");
+ else
+ return false;
+ }

// verify library dependencies
local dir_nomacro_lib = GetCompilerLibDir(dir, SDLPathDefault, SDLPathDefaultLib);

Saturday, December 12, 2009

WiFi Radio Analyzer

Cisco Spectrum Expert can be used to analysis your radio spectrum status for debugging purpose. However, it does not capture packet trace. A H/W card is required to work with it. You can download this software from Cisco if you are authorized. Unfortunately I am not. :)
Image Quality Tuning Kit

Honestly, this is the first time I've had a chance to know anything about camera R&D. The website above sells kits for tuning.


Thursday, December 10, 2009

Congratulations! Ubuntu is Popular Enough Now! Literally!

It is popular enough that someone decided to write some malware for it.

Good thing is we know we should avoid install .deb files now.

Bad thing is you can not install any stuff if you can't use .deb.

The happiest one would be cloud computing service providers that
eventually we all suffer from malware, virus, and so on. Besides
cloud services.

But the really happiest one would be hackers who can hack into
cloud computing farm because they can have one stop shopping
experience. No more fighting against different versions of OS
and patches....

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Enabling Ubuntu Remote X11 Desktop Access

I modified the following two lines in /etc/gdm/gdm.conf:


Enable=true (in [xdmcp] section.)

Restart the gdm by sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart

Now I can use xming to connect to my desktop without a problem.

Is there a way I can disconnect and connect again without terminating the session?