Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I read it on an article on ZDNet but didn't know its meaning.

Found it on Wikipedia: "Fucked Up Beyond All Repair" (used to describe the state of some equipment) or "Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition" (used to describe a situation or scenario).

Another acronym which means the same is: SNAFU, "Situation Normal: All Fucked Up" or "Systems Neatly All Fucked Up" in computer world.

Last time we were talk about there are so many acronyms in computer world. Adrien mentioned once his school wanted to have a name. They decided to have the ACRONYM of the full name first. Then try to find words that can literally create this ACRONYM.

Now I believe there are many smart people in computer science world because smart people tend to do stupid things, often.

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