Thursday, November 11, 2010

Cookie Flag: HttpOnly

Today when I am trying to understand how cookies work in libcurl (). I found some cookies from Google has a strange flag behind it: HttpOnly.

I know this is a common sense to every web developer. As an embedded system engineer that never dealt with any web programming in last 9 years, I think I am eligible to not knowing it...

Anyway, it is shown by an example source code of libcurl as:

[1]: TRUE / FALSE 1352547231 PREF ID=id_removed:FF=0:TM=1289474431:LM=1289475431:S=oLGFV.....
[2]: TRUE / FALSE 1305286631 NID 40=T9tf9Y.....

This #HttpOnly_ confused me. After some research, I found that because malicious Javascript code may be able to access other website's cookies and transfer them to its site. This is a cookie theft as described in Wikipedia (

This flag blocks cookies flagged as HttpOnly being accessed by any scripts from originating website and hence prevents injected malicious code from sending important cookies to another site.

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