Friday, November 26, 2010

A Simple Flowchart for XML Parsing

I forget things easily. So I'd like to keep a note for my recent study about XML Document parsing and framing. Framing is easier as it is a controllable data source I provide. So I will focus on the parsing part of it.

I hereby is showing a flow chart I just drew for the XML parsing procedure. I guess I must have made some errors in it and it is not qualified to be good enough. However, like I said, this is a note I am trying to keep. If you know what can be improved, please don't hesitate.

Some notes that everyone should know:
  1. The most frustrating thing I found is there is *NO* single package that can provide me parsing, framing, validating, data-binding code generation in C language while this is the language we used in most embedded systems.
  2. Some of the steps in this flowchart be merged into one single step.
  3. There are commercial products available with all the needed functions. Even with HTTP client/server in case you need to use XML over Web.
  4. Links on Wikipedia about data-binding:
  5. The most comprehensive list of resources about XML data binding:

ps. Drawn with Dia 0.97.1 Windows version.

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