Friday, December 19, 2008
By today's definition, this is not a high-tech thing. But the process they found a way to capture thousands of mosquitoes is purely scientific! I believe our education needs more teachers and students like this. If someone really wants it, I will translate it into English.
一個在網路流傳的小秘方,激發了小學生實驗靈感,經過不斷嘗試,成為真正的環保新聞、網站)良方!台北市永安國小師生從網路偏方得到靈感,利用資源回收(網 站)的寶特瓶,以及不到2.5元的成本,製造出「環保捕蚊罐」,放在地下室,一罐最多竟可抓到超過1427隻蚊子,連環保專家都驚歎不已。
因 此,師生動手實驗,希望找出更有效的誘蚊法。蚊子會被高溫吸引嗎?試試看暖暖包。蚊子會對不同顏色有反應嗎?試著用不同顏色寶特瓶來誘蚊。捕蚊罐放置的高 度是否有差異?把捕蚊罐吊高到蚊子飛行高度試試看。學生還試過用蜂蜜、蘆薈、黏鼠板膠來誘蚊或黏蚊。最後發現,蚊子會受到二氧化碳及黑色吸引,即利用發酵 糖水會釋出二氧化碳的原理來製造捕蚊罐。
Below is the weather forecast I just copy-n-pasted from weather website. CSAIL has warmed snow storm for tomorrow. So, it is likely no one will be here tomorrow!
Eventually, it looks up we will have enough snow for a snowman!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
For those that know my company, they typically recognize it as a seriously cost-cutting firm. We cost-cut virtually anything. However, here comes the new way to do the cost cutting:
Use a New Font Face on Printers
A Dutch company has added holes to Font Face so it would save up to 20% of printer inks.
This is a good news to every one. Also those that waste ink and paper: they can use 25% more ink than they used before without increasing cost. The catch is they still have to pay 25% more for papers they used.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
I get some scam mails daily. But this one is interesting for me because it is so content independent but non-real. I guess there might be some viruses or Trojans in it. But the content of this mail is funny:
Good morning
We have already made ready the contract and we also joined some points you’d asked to add to it.
The lawyers change some points on the last page. Read the contract, please, and if there are no objections from your part we can pay for the first batch on Friday.
You can find the contract in the attached ZIP Archive.
We also ready to send it by fax if you need
Kind regards
Saturday, November 29, 2008
It was about 6~7 degrees Celsius. After 5 minutes of running, I do not fell the cold any more. I planned to go a pond 2 miles away and when I got there, I think I made the right choice. Next time, if there is a good weather, I will try another route and destination. :)
View Larger Map
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
I read it on an article on ZDNet but didn't know its meaning.
Found it on Wikipedia: "Fucked Up Beyond All Repair" (used to describe the state of some equipment) or "Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition" (used to describe a situation or scenario).
Another acronym which means the same is: SNAFU, "Situation Normal: All Fucked Up" or "Systems Neatly All Fucked Up" in computer world.
Last time we were talk about there are so many acronyms in computer world. Adrien mentioned once his school wanted to have a name. They decided to have the ACRONYM of the full name first. Then try to find words that can literally create this ACRONYM.
Now I believe there are many smart people in computer science world because smart people tend to do stupid things, often.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
This morning I went out for school. It's the first time I go out at a temp under ZERO.
Oh, what fun! (What cold!)

Sunday, November 16, 2008
今天趁著星期六放假,跑去參加了一個活動: 紐英崙中華專業人員協會第三十一屆年會。
付了 $25 的入場費。真的是完全值回票價 + 物超所值。
1. Sharing My Life Experience - 李昌鈺博士
2. 我在金三角2920天之見證心得 - 鍾儱徽執行長
李博士大家都聽過,他已經是一個家喻戶曉的刑事鑑定專家 (曾在全球四十幾個國家進行過鑑定),也曾替 319 槍擊案進行過鑑定工作。他在UNH (University of New Haven) 成立了 Henry C. Lee Institute of Forensic Science。四年前他曾主演電視劇。由於他的電視劇及CSI系列影集,他的學院近年湧進許多學生想要投入此類工作。
事實上,李博士的演講完全是從頭笑到尾。李博士的幽默感令大家都折了腰,笑到一整個不行。除此之外,我也對李博士的智慧五體投地,有空的話可以參考 youtube 上的影片:
可以看出李博士對主持人們的無俚頭可說是處理的非常之好。這兩位常會問讓來賓難以回答的無俚頭問題的主持人,他都 handle 的非常好。您可以看看上面的影片,看看是不是讚同我對於他的反應速度很快,常會反將一軍,或是回答的很漂亮,將有引導性的問題岔開 (但不是迴避問題喔)。
你可能覺得他很不錯,但你可能不知道,李博士的slogon就是把 "不可能變成可能"。
結果他決定幫忙禁毒,用禁毒改變這個世界。他的媽媽認為這事非常有意義,所以決定不惜一切幫助他,在今天的演講中,他提到他父母年事已高,現在兩人都住在加護病房中。其實演講中許多片段讓現場許多人都流淚了。一大群在美國的傑出華人 (現場應該有過半是博士學歷),都被他感動了。
第一次見毒梟時,對方居然說,看你一個人很有骨氣自己闖進來,這樣吧,算你半價。事實上,在那之前他還被游擊隊抓過 (毒梟的手下),對方認為他可能是間諜,不過後來不斷澄清,到最後對方也說,其實他看起來不像間諜,最後就放了他。他提到當他回了台灣時曾經有CIA與他接觸,要兩個毒販的項上人頭,共計五百萬美金的懸賞。只因為他是唯一一個可以在金三角活動的外國人 (非毒品交易者)。
Friday, November 14, 2008
The up for cloud computing is: Corporates do not need to maintain its own data centers. And corporate users shall be able to access from anywhere, instantly, and from any device. If I were right, this idea is not new.
Despite it is an old idea, it was never possible before the web services succeeded. It seems now is the right time for it. But is it so?
I'd to recall one thing: Computers start as huge things. With terminals, it becomes a centered service platform, which is accessible from limited distance. Then PC is developed to be small and powerful constantly. Then Internet becomes a really success. Services on the Internet gets harder to be supported by a few big servers because there are more and more users. Boom, modern cloud computing is here!
What is the catch? To me, the catch is API.
In the old days, at mainframes age, when you got a system developed on an IBM mainframe, you can hardly get it off from an IBM mainframe. It is highly possible you can't see it before you retire (the millennium bug is your only hope.). Why is that? Because systems from other companies (sometime same computer has dramatic differences) were designed so differently that you can't (don't) want to port a live system.
Fortunately, even Microsoft is not following POSIX well, it is possible to write some wrapping functions to make your software portable among different OSes.
And now the catch: It would be impossible to port from one cloud computing environment to another.
What I want to say is, we need a POSIX-extension, to provide an open API for cloud computing. Otherwise, we soon will see over-charge happening again like what it did in the mainframe age. Again, customers would be trapped and not able to get away from its vendor because of non-compatible API.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
FCC Chief is a position having great influence power to great benefits. For example, while radio spectrum is been re-segmented, which is occurring these few years, how it is divided and the constraints on it affect a lot. Certain bidders may not be able to get a slice of it because of many issues, such as the technology allowed on bands.
Obama wants to make FCC Chief as neutral as possible. Actually, he requests Chiefs he is about to assign to match this criteria. But how? you may ask. He does not allow candidates been sponsored by, such as, communication companies to be an FCC Chief. And this rule is enforced on other Chief positions as well.
I hope all politicians in my country can be morally cleaner.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
China is planning to spend $856 million in next two years to build more infrastructure and helping the community devastated in earthquake earlier this year. The spending is 7% of its annual GDP. And according to the report, China has more capability in it.
The economy downturn is not going to turn around in a short time. When it turns around, most countries with heavy debt on it (such as United States) is not going to have abilities to clean up their debt.
Here it is, the chance to become a dominant force like United States. According to their GDP list, it has plenty space to grow. Investing in the infrastructure can set the foundation for future growth, and greatly helps developing undergrowth areas.
With its economy capability and weak counterparts in the world, I believe China is going to outgrow others and become a "next" United States within 50 years.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
something from it. I like Bill Gates, although I don't like Microsoft. However,
I noticed not only me believes Microsoft is going in the wrong direction because
of its *current* management. It is relevant to this post so I will stop here.
Please enjoy:
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Here we are! The grand opening of the Android platform takes place in Oct, 21, 2008. Source code can be downloaded from Android's git source repository. It is stated that from Bootloader to applications, everything is open sourced.
Visit Here for Android Open Source Announcement
I am curious whether they also open sourced video driver, DSP firmware, and radio protocol firmware. Need to download to check that out. From its announced code size, 1.2GB, I think it is unlikely to be so. :) I do not think Qualcomm will let that happen, either.
Let's git it and try to figure something out!
Updated (10/22): I've downloaded it. The size is 1460 MB. And it stops building on CSAIL shaggy because the bison is missing.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
He was right. Note: "was".
Two days after he said that, G Doc has the footnote feature added.
Monday, October 06, 2008
One year left to be legal. :)
The slashdotters are making fun of it. Enjoy!
Friday, October 03, 2008
Sincerely I wish their work can be synced to the upstream and distribution packagers. I will be more than happy to use a Linux box which takes shorter to boot up the installed Linux than its BIOS/Video card splash screen persisted.
Today is my lucky day. My short term English teacher Louise was helping us on accent problems.
Now I am reading the material I got. Gosh, I must say sorry to those who bore me. Hope I can indeed improve myself after this short semester.
Below are some key points digested from this 4 pages material.
* Intonation
In English, a pitch change indicates the speaker's intention. In Chinese, a pitch change indicates a different word.
For example: ma can be ma1, ma2, ma3, ma4 in Chinese.
And when you say "It sounds like rain". We usually speak it flatly.
However, the pitch should be like: "It ma3 like ma3" when you say "It sounds(3) like rain(3)".
* Pronunciation
I am totally helpless in this part.
* Liaisons - I am not doing too bad in this part although far from good enough.
Written English Chinese Accent American Liaisons
Tell him teo him tellim
Pull it out puw ih aw pul li dout
* Final Consonants
Final consonants are often left off. For example, hold sound like ho.
American English has a peculiar characteristic in that the t sound is, in many cases, pronounced as a d.
Thursday, October 02, 2008
This error message occurred during link phase (in Visual C++) stopped me from moving on for a few hours. I just got it solved.
The situation is like this: I am going to use static member attribute in a class to reduce the effort to create more than one instance of a certain object A in class B. I declared it like this:
In file B.h
class B {
static A *varA;
Then the compiler complains unresolved symbol like the message above.
But it is there!
I tried so many ways to work it out until just minutes ago. I found that it seems non-primitive types been used in static way need be declared separately again so it is actually instantiated:
In File B.cpp
A * B::varA = NULL;
This solves the problem.
The problem is not hard. It's just I am not knowledgeable of C++.
Friday, August 22, 2008
由於後天要啟程去 Boston 出長時間的差,今天特別請了假陪陪家人,當然不能免俗的是去看場電影嘍!在電影院時我們發現電影的時間都不理想,但最後在Wall-E與海角7號之間要做一個選擇。小潘決定了看海角7號 (我猜想原因是受到之前Linkin Park的洗禮,現在對於有搖滾樂內涵的東西都特別有興趣吧。)
在海灘上,他對她說的簡單的一句話 "留下來,不然我跟你走" 讓我看了好想掉眼淚,寫這篇post時眼睛也不忍不住濕了。
等我從 Boston 出差回來,我想再去一次墾丁.......... (夏都上次蜜月時去住過了, 怎麼覺得他們拍得讓我覺得比我去住還美呀?)
Thursday, July 24, 2008
DoDo is my mother-in-law's pet. He was a 17 years old virgin and had bad temper. Since the first time I visited to my wife's family, he never liked me. He kept the habit barking at me every time it saw me. So, in some way, he is a very consistent dog.
I wondered whether his bad temper is related to his virginity. But I will never know the answer.
I tried to make peace with DoDo by talking gently nice words with him but he turned his tail to me.
Sally knew DoDo very well. Back when Sally was a baby, DoDo didn't bark at her at all. When Sally was learning to walk, DoDo doesn't bark at her, either. He only steps away when Sally walked toward him.
Sally has not lived with DoDo for one year and can speak a lot nowadays. Sometimes Sally said "DoDo!!! Don't bark" to him. (DoDo barks at her since she moved away.)
In any case, we will miss you, DoDo.
Friday, July 04, 2008
The war between YouTube (Google) and Viacom is very interesting. This is a highly concerned lawsuite as it is defining the boundary of compliance to DMCA concerning uploaded public content and the ad profits in relation.
DMCA defines the baseline for copyright materials on the Internet (at least in United States). The reason that DMCA is demanded: Internet is a different medium from legacy mediums and it forms a new world for copyright to apply to.
Ok, enough background. Now we are here to read about a blog post concerning the judge's ruling.
(Note that this blog could be biased.)
However, what alerts me is from talkbacks following the main article, it can be easily seen that some people either have no clue about what IP really is or are twisting it purposely.
The fun catch:
The lawsuit by Viacom against YouTube (Viacom) is somewhat a joke. Refer to "Controversial complaints" section in the page:
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Monday, June 30, 2008
前幾天跟老婆兩個人一起去看電影, 車從高速公路開上新安路往寶山路上時, 鼓起了勇氣
告訴老婆我打算要去看赤壁在新竹遠百的首映這件事, 老婆果然是老婆, 不用三秒鐘就猜
出我其實是衝著林志玲的面子去看的。於是沿路就針對是不是為了林志玲而去看, 以及其
從竹科開出來後, 在新竹市寶山路到底, 過了 "制服女孩" 之後的路口停了下來, 按照慣例
有人在路中間發海報, 但是有位先生發的東西好像不是海報...那是什麼呢?

不過到最後還是敵不過好奇心而把它接了過來, 好險那位先生沒叫我買什麼東東。




請皮膚黝黑的 Model 拿著實品展示大家看: "老師在說, 你有沒有在聽阿? ㄚㄚㄚ..."
ps. 感謝小0小朋友不收費的幫忙拍攝廣告喔~~
ps 2. 到現在我們還是沒研究出來這個DM到底可以用來幹嘛
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
我們家很窮系列之社區警衛叔叔也不知道自己今天即將被在部落格上被賣!! 哈哈!
社區的警衛叔叔原本在這邊做的不錯, 聊過後才知道原來他可是深藏不露的高人, 準備升級當社區總幹事, 在知道這事沒多久之後他就順利的高昇為新竹市某豪宅的總幹事!
不過天不從人願, 保全公司決定不做豪宅的生意了, 許久不見的總幹事叔叔再次出現在我們社區, 這次他是有準備的, 不像上次是送我們擦地板的布 (毛巾啦)...
聽說他花了五百塊買書買器材, 結果就在上班時間開始練起了玩氣球的工夫, 於是昨天下班回家時就在家裡看到許多成品, 到今天只剩下這三位小朋友還有完整的形狀了... 其它的不由分說, 只要家裡有小朋友的都知道下場大概如何了...
希望大家喜歡這些東東喔, 有apple, 貴賓狗, 還有snake喔~~
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
The Mozilla set a goal of breaking world record of downloads in 24 hours by its Firefox 3 release. The clock is about to start ticking. It begins on June 17. Don't be shy to download a copy of FF3 and become involved in a world record!

Friday, June 13, 2008
老婆的開車技術是很好的, 很多女生領了照不敢上路, 或是上了路就當活動路障, 我老婆完全沒有這類的問題, 尤有甚者, 老婆曾經在我坐在副駕假眠時, 開到一百三, 可是一點都不含糊。
有一天我下班回家時, 老婆一看到我就笑的非常璨爛, 像盛開的一株非洲堇。
場景: 客廳
我: 老婆, 什麼事這麼開心呀?
老婆: 呵呵呵
我: 老婆, 發生了什麼事, 怎麼這麼高興?
老婆: 呵呵呵
我: (檢查一下臉上是不是被畫了多拉ㄟ夢) 咦, 我沒問題呀...
老婆: 呵呵 呵呵 呵呵 呵呵
老婆: ....... 跟你說一件事 不可以生氣喔
我: 什麼事? (疑惑)
老婆: 你要先答應我不可以生氣
我: 你被開罰單了嗎? 你去百貨公司花了很多錢?
老婆: 不是啦 也不是啦
我: 那到底是什麼事呀? (心中有股不祥感升起 + 國旗歌)
老婆: 就是那個.......車子去撞傷了啦
我: 喔 (看看老婆跟小0, 都沒事), 那還好吧?
老婆: 還好啦 就是刮傷了
小0: 車車受傷了 車車痛痛 擦藥藥
------- 這是分隔線 ---------------------
場景: 停車場
我: 哇靠, 見骨了啦
老婆: 呵呵 呵呵 呵呵 呵呵
我: ............
Thursday, June 05, 2008
貼心的630在得知我們家很窮之後, 想出了一個方法可以讓NTD $1000成長為 NTD $3000。今天回家後聽到這個消息真是欣喜若狂。迫不急待的想要看看630是怎麼辦到的!
為了怕各位看倌覺得小弟藏私, 所以只得公開實作過程中的半成品。
希望大家的寶貝也都能這麼貼心..... >_< (還好南寮腳踏車行的老闆收了$1000變$2000的版本, 呼!)
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
這次要被爆料的是, 女兒們在跟著媽媽一起去早餐店買早餐時, 店裡有個叔叔很喜歡她們, 一直不忘逗逗她們, 後來叔叔說, "啊! 叔叔有東西送給妳們", 於是就跑去拿了這個可愛的小車車出來, 媽媽當然不能免俗的要說這樣不好意思, 不應該拿你的東西。不過實在推辭不掉呀~~ 因為叔叔說他在中華郵政 (前台灣郵政, 前前中華郵政) 上班, 這玩意很多。
爸爸眉批: 老婆大人, 我也想要一個....
不幸的是, 這可愛的小車車已經不見了.... (女兒們的玩具不見的速度跟增加的速度快要有拼了。
有人可能想問這跟我們家很窮有什麼關係? 很簡單, 女兒們得自己想辦法弄些玩具回來, 因此我們家很窮系列本來就會包含各種各樣的被女兒們帶回來的玩意兒。
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
I agree with that the society and government should put more resource on deaf and mute ones. But the problem is, how did they get the 7000 times math. Apparently, our law maker and professor need to learn more about telecom.
手機簡訊費率 通話費的七千倍
My attitude is simple: A resort? Welcome. A casino? No way.
Considering the credit card bad debt problems, we can tell there are many people lacks fortune management concept. Most of us know gambling is a game and do damage control. But some don't, their family members are innocent while they lose all their money in casinos.
Casinos can bring joy, fun, and relaxation to many people. But they do bad things, too. Do we really need fun from casino? Come on, hiking or cycling can be much better.
From News:
Monday, June 02, 2008
In first impression, hell is a hot place. There are people been tortured and many been slaves. If it is a valid definition, our office is currently a hell.
I do not know exactly what the temperature is now, but it is so hot that I can barely sit or coding. As a matter of fact, I have not written a single line of C code today. Is reducing the coal emission equal to a sweat shop? I do not know the answer, but hopefully they are not.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Warning: This post contains only kindergarten level techniques about Linux kernel.
I met a problem that a real-time user space program with many threads has higher priority than my computation intensive kernel thread.
I have to adjust the priority of this kernel thread. But unfortunately, I found that the kthread_run doesn't provide me any way to set the priority of my kernel thread. So I wondered how to do it? Fortunately, I found the way to set the priority of a kernel thread. Using
struct sched_param param;
param.sched_priority =
if (sched_setscheduler(current, SCHED_FIFO, ¶m) != 0)
printk("set scheduler and its priority failed\n");
This effectively sets the process's scheduler to FIFO and priority to
However, when I try insmod
If you are a newbie like me, you might be scratching your head or starts gazing the ceiling and think, why?
After one hour of trying, I eventually noticed in sched.c, after the function body is declared
int sched_setscheduler(struct task_struct *p, int policy,
struct sched_param *param)
The key is EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL limits the functions to be linked by modules using GPL.
And my module just didn't contain any license statement. So I added
Now, everything works like a charm!
今年的報稅快要截止了, 還沒報的, 忘了的, 趕快去搞定一下吧。
趁現在還可以用網路報稅/二維條碼報稅先報, 過了期就只能填書面的, 可能會累死人。今年用二維條碼, 我家的印表機到最後印出來八頁洋洋灑灑一疊。(還不含要附上的證明文件)
不過這不是重點, 重點是原本今年要交一筆稅的, 去年投資中鋼...等幾間公司幾張小股票, 結果今年發現核算下來, 可抵扣的稅額已經替我繳掉了, 而且還可以獲得退稅, 對於慘白的經濟狀況算是一個大好消息。
但是什麼是 "可抵扣的稅額" 與 "可抵扣稅率" 呢?
可抵扣稅額根據該公司所繳的稅金額乘以可抵扣稅率的乘積。至於可抵扣稅率到底是什麼呢? 在奇摩知識上找到了一篇淺顯易懂的說明, 即使不是學商業的人也應該可以看懂, 特此貼過來做為自己以後的參考。
這裡有人列出今年可以參考的表: URL
這是以下摘錄轉貼內容的原始網址: URL
---------- 以下為轉貼內容 ---------------------------------
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
This blog post doesn't actually share any techniques.
If "modification" is not included, I just wrote my first Linux kernel program few days ago. It is a ring-buffer-duo program for buffering periodical data between a user-mode process and another kernel thread.
It is a small task, but means a lot to me. It is the first complete kernel program I've ever written. I learned how to build a Linux kernel module alone the way. And made a unit-test for this little program using both user-space and kernel-space ways.
Though trivial and easy. It took me some time to read document and write it from scratch. (About 1.5 days, including unit-test.) I hope I can do it faster with this experience.
Reference: Kernel Driver Model
我的女兒們, 從小就被教育一件不爭的事實: 我們家很窮。
女兒們常常得替自己謀福利, 最近小0小1認識了一個鄰居的三歲小朋友 "寶寶", 寶寶的特色是: 不愛吃飯。(好吧, 台灣可能還有幾十萬個小朋友有這個特色...) 他的奶奶於是乎每天隨身攜帶一個背包, 裡面滿滿的是餅乾糖果等各類零食。
因為我們家很窮, 所以沒辦法買很多零食很小0和小1吃。於是她們常常處於零食饑餓狀態中, 這位奶奶呢, 就對一直在旁邊打轉的小0 (因為發現這位奶奶會給她零食) 給很多的零食。
這些零食有些會被小0吃下肚, 但有更多的時候呢, 會被媽媽制止 "呆會晚餐會吃不下" 而沒辦法享受剩下的零食, 媽媽會說要帶回家之後再給她吃, 不過呢, 實際上很多都進了我的肚子。
會覺得我們對小0太嚴格了嗎? 事實是, 她最近在零食上被媽媽管的比較嚴, 吃的少, 小1當然也是一樣受到保護管束 (不過小0會主動跑去找鄰居要食物這點實在是ooxx....), 但是這兩位女兒最近反而變胖了, 因為零食吃的少 -> 正餐吃的好 -> 晚上睡的飽 -> 變胖。
小0小1, 妳們還有許多文章會被爆料的, 等著看吧。將發表在我們家很窮系列中。
Sunday, May 25, 2008
這本書是在某網路書店上偶然看到的, 那陣子買書買得很勤, 不多加思索就敗了下去. 從2007到2008年之間, 利用隔星期六晚上的半至兩個小時慢慢的看它, 用了約半年總算讀完了這位Nobel Prize winner的大作.
這本書帶給我最大的震撼來自在土耳其這塊土地上的回教文化表面上的強烈制約力與實際人性的背離。書中一再提到許多畫師雞姦他們的年輕學徒, 似乎這在工匠坊中是種不公開的常態。在許多冗長的對話中也可以看到對話者在試探彼此心中真實的想法, 但最後得到的結論也常只是蒙蔽在對阿拉的敬意之下的場面話。
前陣子看到新聞報導至今在土耳其某些地方仍有一些陋習, 是頗令人匪夷所思的, 那篇報導中講到三個男人綁架了一個年輕女子, 目的是要女子首肯嫁給其中一位男子, 有沒有聽錯? 綁架? 不只是這樣, 他們綁架她當然是於法不容, 不過要是這個女子同意嫁了就沒罪, 因此他們便照三餐毆打這位女子, 要讓她屈打成親, 只要屈打成親, 也就沒有法律問題。這樣的習俗實在是很難理解呀~~
所以最後是好的結局收場: 一隻熊出現將三個男子嚇的拔腿就跑, 被揍的慘不忍睹的女子還被束縛著, 身上也有傷, 當然也理所當然的無法跑走。不過熊在嚇跑了三個男子後便靜靜的坐下一直到搜尋女子的幫手來了才離去。
嗯, 女孩子如果要去土耳其還是不要亂逛比較好~~
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
最近一個朋友告訴我, 她正替一間start-up工作, 這間公司的生意針對的客群是50歲以上, 主動性高的新一代老年人. 在剛聽到時馬上就覺得這是一個不容易的生意, 但也是一個對社會有正面意義的生意.
非常佩服他們的勇氣, 也為了替他們打打氣, 所以替他們打個廣告, 網址是:
** 樂齡網 **
跟朋友要了他們公司內的一份投影片, 翻翻之後才發現原來自己對老年人的世界的確是一點都不懂.
以前台灣稱為銀髮族 Google -> 772,000 hits, yahoo: 1,254,597, msn: 212,000 hits
現在也有人稱熟齡族 Google -> 273,000 hits, yahoo: 1,891, msn: 332 hits
新加坡則叫做樂齡族 Google -> 911 hits, yahoo: 632 hits, msn: 101 hits
這三個詞指的是一個族群, 也就是50歲以上的這一個族群.
銀髮族的生活, 隨著身體, 心理, 及週圍的人的觀感的改變, 而隨之改變, 因此生活用品的需求確實也會有所改變. 朋友工作的這間公司提供的商品服務就是鎖定生活用品這個層面.
據觀察, 目前針對熟齡族的用品還是不夠廣泛, 至少就看不出可以針對四季有一整系列的生活用品的整理出來.
但我覺得心理及生理的轉變是較用品更為需要社會共同提高這種認知的. 只是這部份不知道目前社會上到底有多少資源.
政府方面提供的資源目前看起來是台北是最多, 網站也最活躍.
多半是些科或課級單位, 雖然我不懂政府機關的組織, 但感覺就是還應該再投入更多的人力在建設台灣成為一個幸福的島.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Earth Day
Today is the Earth Day in the northern hemisphere. Above is the Earth day logo from Google.
Just to remind myself, there are a lot of things we can do for mother earth.
I plan to visit Antarctica after retirement, ya, it is still a long time from being able to. This is the question popped in recent years: If ice on Antarctica land melted, I will not be able to see any penguins there!
Some of my friends say it is not bad either because it will be much warmer. But to me, I would rather want it be what it was. Even its travel season is limited to 3~4 months in the winter, the cost is much higher, and cold weather is a risk to a retired software engineer, I STILL WANT ANTARCTICA AS IS.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
看到這個新聞不由自主的想掉淚ㄋㄟ, 所以打算捐點錢共襄義舉, 我想我老婆應該會支持我才對~~
找了一下才找到捐款資訊, 它在第二則新聞最後面呦
1/25新聞【新 竹訊】直腸癌末、捐出一百萬醫療費作為新竹縣政府教育基金的新竹縣竹仁國小周珮珊老師,廿一日晚間往生,縣長鄭永金、議長張碧琴、縣議員黃齡慧、縣府教育 處長姜秀珠等人廿五日上午前往吊唁,讚許周老師的愛心是社會的典範,鄭縣長表示會落實周老師的遺願,將每一分錢用在推動縣內國語文教育上。